Category: Thoughts from the Studio

Drummoyne Art Society Art Awards

Have entered and packaged up my paintings and they are ready to deliver on Monday for the Annual Exhibition. Very excited as last year it could only be held online. Always wonderful to see paintings “in the flesh!!”

Tuesday in the Studio

Recently back from some en plein air sketching beside Brogers Creek and have worked up a piece in watercolours. I am keen to try a larger work, really accentuating the light and shade of the bushes and water.

Sunlit Hills before breakfast – Process

I really wanted to capture the startling effect of the morning sun as it hit the hills of the canyon we were camped in, in central Australia. I drew it a couple of times. This is the first preliminary sketch in oil pastel. I played with the shapes a second time, again in oil pastels, …

Done and Dusted

The last weekend of my exhibition flew by, with so many visitors….friends, colleagues and new faces. It has been a wonderful experience having the chance to both see my works up on the gallery wall, to talk about them and the stories that motivated me, but it has been equally rewarding to hear the stories …

SOJOURN continues

My exhibition SOJOURN continues another week, until 30th August, so if you have the time, come on down and have a look. Newsagency Gallery – 332 Stanmore Rd, Petersham 2049 Lots of lovely people have visited and many paintings have found news homes. Wonderful! I love the way new people can react differently to my …

SOJOURN – a new exhibition of contemporary landscapes

Exciting news on my current exhibition, SOJOURN by Suzy Strout Please come and have a look


It’s official. 14th August I’m opening a solo exhibition of landscape works at Newsagency Gallery, Petersham. Very exciting news and so pleased to be working with the owner Bess O’Malley on my project. This exhibition shows some of the landscapes that have caught and held my attention. The wide horizons of the Mallee area, the …


After 5 1/2 fabulous weeks in Spain & Europe, we are home again. What sights and tastes! Art & architecture in abundance……..and sunny and warm the whole time! I set myself the lovely task of sketching as much of our trip as possible (see Sketches folder) and so made up a little travel kit. A …


Too rainy to varnish any paintings this week and I can’t quite settle to finishing off a couple of projects, so have been doing a sort through in the studio. It appears that I have become quite fascinated by painting portraits. My first one in acrylics a number of years ago, presented me with all …

Latest Offerings

Update: Plans for an exhibition this year have fallen through, so I have decided to take a different tack and place many of those recent works here on my website. They are all for sale and and most of them are also available as limited edition Giclee prints. Enquire if you are interested. From Tues …